Uploaded on June 25, 2008
by ::mavi::
found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/maviloca/2611079281/
Last Sunday, The Discovery Channel aired a program exploring the multi-purpose creations of artist and designer Michael Jantzen. In particular, I found his Wind Shaped Pavilion to be incredibly fascinating. Made of lightweight fabric, each of the six “Jenga” like layers of the structure move in accordance with the wind around a central support frame. As a result, the building’s shape constantly adjusts, while simultaneously generating electricity for illumination at night. Interestingly, “The shape of the structure starts out as a relatively symmetrical form. Then the wind begins to alter the shape randomly, with only a slim chance of ever returning to its original symmetry”, says Jantzen.
“If the structure’s scale and the materials were to change, it could become an apartment complex, and or some other commercial building,” Jantzen says of his own creation. “In this case, the occupants could take control and rotate the segments to adjust to changing desires or needs, such as weather conditions, best views, etc.”
In a time where experimentation, sustainability and innovation are synonymous with competitive advantage, perhaps government agencies or trendy organizations on the forefront of a “brave new world”, so to speak, will adopt architecture of this nature as a way of exuding creativity and confidence.
Jantzen’s also created the Internet Observatory, a support grid frame that represents the matrix of the Internet. In this conceptual design, “The curved space which is contained by the grid represents a place where the flow of Internet information is accessed by an individual. The person sits at the center of the curved space in a specifically designed interactive workstation that rotates up out of the glass floor in order to allow the occupant to face any direction.”
The movie Contact comes to mind, in which Jodie Foster’s character travels for hours through the depths of space via a worm hole. She finds out that on earth, only seconds have passed by. I wonder if surfing the net will one day provide a similar experience?
If that wasn’t enough, check out Jantzen’s Sky-Cloud Pavilion, a structure that can “interactively change its surface by weaving flexible materials, such as fabric, through its support frame.” The result: a beautiful configuration that is capable of changing from an open frame, to an orange enclosure, to a sky image, and back to an open frame again.
More of Jantzen’s work here.
Stay as far away from the Colossus as you can. This time around, the Colossus means business and you need to dodge as many of his attacks as you can by pressing Right and Left on the analog stick at the precise moment. When he lifts both of his fists up into the air, he is about to try to bash you, so be ready to jump out of the way. Use Kratos' combo attacks by pressing and holding R1 and then pressing Triangle, Square, or Circle. When the Colossus has taken enough damage, he will use the platform opposite of you for balance and a circle will appear over his hand. Grapple across to the other side and press circle to grab onto him with your Athena's Blades. You will have to repeat this process of weakening him, grabbing his fist, and entering a series of buttons twice. When the huge enemy takes his balance on the platform to the left, the buttons you must press are Circle, Circle, Square, Square. When he rests on the platform to the right, press Triangle, Triangle, X, X. After you have successfully entered both of these button chains, press L1 and R1 repeatedly to prevent the giant from squashing you.
After this sequence, keep pressing onward, block the arrows that some enemies fire at you, and save your game up ahead. After hacking up a few more enemies, there will be a bird statue up ahead. Move it over the circular button on the floor to open the gate. Press and hold R1 and then press and hold X to gain enough strength to push the statue hard with your foot. While standing on the button, roll underneath the gate quickly before it closes. Move the statue on top of the second button and go through the next gate. Open the chests you come across and pull the level to ride up the elevator. After you encounter the Colossus' peeping eye at the top of the elevator, the demo will end.
Found Here: http://www.gamerhelp.com/article_viewer.cfm?article_id=121000I stumbled upon this nice little gadget over at FM3 Buddha Machine. Here’s a short review from the website:
The Buddha Machine is a little plastic box that plays music.
Specifically, FM3 constructed nine drones, varying from two seconds to 42 seconds, which repeat endlessly in the listener’s ear until the “track” is switched to the next drone (or the two AA batteries run out).
The machine has its own built-in speaker, in case one would like to fill a room with the drones, but there is also a headphone jack for more personal meditative experiences. There’s a switch on the side that allows for traversal of the tracks, and a DC jack (though an adapter is not included) for those who would like the Buddha Machine experience be truly endless.
In a way, it’s like the cheapest pre-loaded iPod you’ll ever be able to buy.
So basically, the Buddha Machine is similar to the chant box used in Buddhist temples throughout Asia. But instead of repeating loops of monks or nuns praying, the Buddha Machine serves up ambient music a la Brian Eno. Cool!
But like any self-respecting Buddhist, it is the emptiness that fascinates me. In this particular case, it is the empty space inside the gadget that grabs my interest.
Judging from the exploded view of the Buddha Machine above, there is enough space in there to squeeze in a few pieces of orgonite and a tiny double terminated quartz crystal. If you’ve seen the insides of a Don Croft Terminator Zapper, you’d know what I mean. When activated, the sound vibrations from the built-in speaker will stimulate the orgonite into releasing orgone. The quartz crystal can be programmed to direct the orgone toward the fulfillment of a specific task.
The Buddha Machine retails for $23 plus shipping stateside. With just a little modding, you can turn this baby into your very own personal psychotronic tool.
Found Here: http://www.pop-psychotronics.com/category/psychotronics/
2008 Barbury Castle Pattern is Pi to 3.14159265358
© 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe
“The fact that the Pi decimal point is included (in the 2008 Barbury Castle
barley pattern) and there is rounding up to 10 decimal places is to me a little mind boggling!” – Michael Reed, Astronomical Physicist